Course Seats
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The one hundred twenty (120) hour Master / Mate 500 to 1600 Ton and 3rd Mate Upgrade course is designed as an Examination Preparatory course for a student that will be required to take the Master or Mate license examinations with the U.S. Coast Guard. This level of licensing requires that you test at your nearest USCG Regional Examination Center.
The course includes preparation for Rules of the Road, Deck Safety, Deck General, Navigation General, Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation examinations. It is designed to give you an overview of the vast examination topics but is not all-inclusive. The material covered in this 3-week prep course is intended to build a foundation for the mariner who will continue to review, study, reinforce and build upon the subject matter as they prepare for their USCG exams. The amount of information covered during the course is intensive and structured.
The course consists of two modules. The CLASSROOM PRACTICAL MODULE focuses on instructor-guided mathematical and terrestrial navigation subject matters. The ONLINE THEORY MODULE covers basic maritime subject matter that is not covered in the classroom: Rules of the Road, Deck General, Navigation General and Deck Safety for upper tonnage. It is recommended to utilize this online module before and/or after the classroom session.
Note: If during the course the mariner finds that he/she needs additional or one-on-one instruction, tutoring is available separate from the course for a fee. Individualized tutoring has worked well for mariners who want to expand and focus on specific elements.