Course Seats
Please select the number of seats you want to reserve, then press the Get Tickets button.
Our 80-hour U.S. Coast Guard approved Captain’s Course meets the written examination requirement for the following National endorsements:
The course certificate may be used for one application which results in the issuance of an endorsement and may not be used for any application transactions thereafter. In other words, if you are issued an OUPV, and in the future you want to upgrade to a Master Near Coastal, you may not use the certificate again with your application. You must complete the examination requirements to upgrade from OUPV to Master, in that case.
Course subjects include:
The 2022 October course at this location is held in this format:
Evenings & Weekends: Monday – Friday 6-10 PM & Saturday 8 AM-4 PM, for 3 weeks.
The 2023 courses at this location are held in this format:
Daytime: Monday – Friday 8 AM-5 PM, for 2 weeks.
The Captain Course has approx. 2-5 hours of homework DAILY and on the weekends. Final examinations are taken in-class on the last day of class.
Course materials required:
Upon registering, we will mail you the following required books for this course with instructions on what to study: (3) TRLMI Captain Course textbooks, and (1) U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook also known as the “Rules of the Road” handbook. We highly advise that students register for this course at least one month in advance to allow adequate time to study and review these books in advance.
You will be loaned the following required tools in-class for the duration of the course: A set of plotting tools that includes a roll plotter, triangle, compass/dividers, a basic non-programmable calculator, and our navigational study aid “Mariner’s Guide to Rules of the Road.” These tools will all be loaned to you during class, but you are welcome to bring your own or purchase them from TRLMI to keep. See our School Store to order any of these tools: www.TRLMI.com/shop