Course Cost:$1,100
Course Length:40 hours - Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Class Requirements:
To be eligible for an STCW endorsement as Able Seafarer Deck, mariners must hold or qualify for any national endorsement as Able Seaman. Entry-level is not considered the appropriate national endorsement. Licensed Deck Officer without Able Seaman is not acceptable.
As a mariner, you must ensure you meet the requirements of the USCG National Maritime Center. Qualifying for an STCW Able Seafarer Deck endorsement requires meeting requirements for certification as RFPNW, and with sea service in the deck department while qualified as RFPNW. Refer to the USCG National Maritime Center checklists for these deck ratings: STCW Able Seafarer Deck, and STCW RFPNW. https://www.dco.uscg.mil/nmc/checklist/
Course Seats
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